Wasp season begins around spring when the queen finally comes out of hibernation to start her new nest. Wasp activity peaks in the summer which is when most people like to enjoy the outdoors. A nasty encounter with wasps during this time is highly likely if not inevitable. Most species of wasp can be aggressive especially if threatened or if the nest is disturbed. It is best to stay away from the wasp nest if you can help it and let a professional wasp removal Toronto do the difficult job of removing it safely.
The Lifecycle of a Wasp
Like most insects, the wasp goes through the four distinct life stages which are an egg, larvae, pupae and finally adult (queen or worker). Adult male wasps and workers die in the winter largely for lack of food. The queen hibernates and if she makes it through the winter, begins a new nest afresh once spring rolls around. Hibernating queens are vulnerable to predators especially spiders.
The life cycle of the nest begins when the queen emerges from hibernation. Wasps rarely occupy their old nest so the queen will be hunting for an ideal location for the new colony. It is not uncommon for the queen to choose a spot near the old nest or even build on top of the old nest. The queen will feed primarily on nectar during this time and does a good job with pollination just like bees.
Once the queen finds a suitable location for the nest, she finds wood to use as building material. The wood typically comes from fence panels and other wood strips. The wasp chews the wood and mixes it with saliva to create a paste with a paper-like consistency that it uses to build the nest. At the center of the nest is what is known as the petiole which is followed by individual cells.
Once the cells are complete, the queen lays eggs in the individual cells. The eggs hatch into larvae which the queen feeds on a diet of protein such as insects and bugs.
The larvae weave a silk cover at the top of the cell before finally pupating into an adult in the same way that the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
Male wasps are known as drones are tasked with continuing to build the nest, feeding the larvae and collecting food. Infertile female adult wasps also help the drones with feeding and are also tasked with protecting the nest. Females have a stinger while males do not. The queen now works solely to lay eggs.
The drones feed the larvae with protein-rich foods, primarily insects. The larvae, in turn, convert the food into a sweet or sugary food that the adults in the nest eat. The colony continues to grow in size and population until end summer when the queen finally begins laying queen and drone eggs.
Once the queen and drone eggs pupate into adult male drones and virgin queens, the wasps leave the nest to mate with others. Wasps of the same nest rarely mate among themselves.
The lifespan of the nest ends in early September when autumn rolls around. There are no more larvae at this time and the wasps in the nest no longer have a source of food. You may notice an increase in the number of wasps in beer gardens and picnic tables during this time.
Winter finally arrives and the adult wasps can no longer find food and die off. The female queens hibernate until it is time to begin the cycle over again.
How to Remove a Wasp Nest
If you insist on removing a wasp nest on your own, make sure that you get your information from a credible source and that you wear full protective gear for the job.
The best solution is to hire a professional wasp removal in Toronto to remove the wasp nest for you. The expert can guarantee that the job is done safely and measures taken to prevent the insects from returning. Insist on a warranty for the service.