In most cases, home treatment is usually enough. Allergic reactions and/or multiple stings may require immediate medical attention. After being stung by a bee, the first action to be taken is the removal of the stinger and its attached venom, sac as soon as possible. This helps preventing more venom to be released into the human body. Stinger can be removed easily by using sharp nails or any tool with a sharp edge. The sting area is then washed thoroughly with soap and water. Any kind of pain killer such as ibuprofen can then be taken. Finally, cold water or an ice wrapped in fabric is applied to the stung area for about twenty minutes. Apart from ice, other home remedies include application of toothpaste, calamine lotion with analgesic, honey, antihistamines, deodorant, raw potato and raw onion. All these remedies are applied after removal of stinger and washing of sting site.
Seek for emergency medical attention in case of moderate and chronic symptoms. These symptoms include difficulty in breathing, itchy rashes spreading to other areas, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness, rapid pulse, dizziness and drop in blood pressure. Doctors would perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case the person stops breathing or the heart stops beating. The medication given may include epinephrine, oxygen and intravenous antihistamines.
For those who are allergic to bee sting, they would be given an emergency epinephrine auto-injector. An auto-injector consists of concealed needle and a syringe that injects a single dose of medicine when pressed against body part such as the thigh. This kind of medication requires the patient to be familiar with how to use it. Like other insect stings, bee sting can cause anaphylaxis. Doctors would refer patient to an allergy specialist if the person has been swarmed by bees or has a serious reaction to bee stings. The allergist would administer allergy shots. These shots are given on regular basis for few years. The shots are capable of completely eliminating or removing allergic response to bee poison/venom.